JA: So let's start with your first credited job in the industry as a post-production assistant on the Nickelodeon series The X's; how did you become involved in the Carlos Ramos series?
ML: I was fortunate enough to go from being an intern on Spongebob, to getting hired as a production assistant on the series The X's while still in my senior year completing my BFA at Cal State Fullerton. The X's is dear to my heart because I was able to work on both the production end of it and the post-production end as well. How I got involved in post was pure luck. The post-supervisor and coordinator on The X's needed an extra hand doing post and I was picked. I did production work and post production work at the same time for about a month and a half, and then made the full transition into only doing solely post-production.

JA: Tell me about Random! Cartoons, and your work on the show as a post-production coordinator.
ML: The post-supervisor of Random! Cartoons had been the post-coordinator on The X's and had trained me in doing post-production. When she became the post-supervisor on Random! Cartoons she gave me the opportunity to help her out in this series. She entrusted me on occasion to help her out by filling in on meetings and sending materials out, etc. My involvement was minimal since at that same time I was currently working on Fairly Oddparents, The X's and Danny Phantom. Nonetheless, I still learned a lot from the experience.

JA: Your work as a post-production coordinator would continue on an award-winning series from Jorge Gutierrez and Sandra Equihua, El Tigre: The Adventures of Manny Rivera; tell me about your memories working on this show, and also how you became involved.
ML: I have nothing but fun and fond memories from working on El Tigre. Everyone on the crew worked so hard, and had such a blast working on this show. It was a post heavy show, and I learned so much while working on this series. The post-supervisor of Random! Cartoons was also the supervisor on El Tigre. I had worked with her before, as mentioned on The X's and Random! Cartoons, and she got me involved in this new project. We were both extremely excited to be working with Jorge and Sandra on El Tigre. I was extremely lucky to be a part of this show and work with such wonderful people.

JA: Your work is primarily in animation; what inspired you to become involved in cartoons, and do you have any interest in becoming working on live-action?
ML: I love cartoons. I knew I would work in cartoons when I was about ten years old. Growing up I was constantly drawing cartoons and drawing in general. When I entered college, I knew I wanted to study art, in particular animation and illustration. I knew that's what I wanted to do. Sure my parents freaked when I told them, but I strongly feel you should love what you do, and I love cartoons. I may not work as an artist now, but have an appreciation for the work that goes into it and for the art itself. Nickelodeon opened the doors to an opportunity in getting in post-production and I have loved it ever since. Live-action is something I would like to get into in the future, if I'm given that opportunity.

JA: Tell me about Danny Phantom, which would also be an award winner, and also about working for series creator Butch Hartman.
ML: Danny Phantom was a great show, as is Fairly Oddparents, another of Butch's shows. His shows were such a pleasure to work on, and he was such a pleasure to work for. He's a true visionary and I look forward to the opportunity to work for him again. Both series always ran smooth, and had such a family atmosphere that was truly unique.
JA: Most recently you have been involved with the series Mighty B!, which was co-created by Amy Poehler; what is it like to work on this Nickelodeon show, and have you gotten to know any of the creators?

ML: I worked on the pilot and the first couple of episode for the Mighty B!. Although, I haven't met Amy Poehler, which would be totally cool, I did work with Erik Wiese and Cynthia True, the co-creators. Erik I knew from when I was an intern on Spongebob, and his wife Cynthia I met when I started on the Mighty B! Its an incredibly funny series, and I think its going to be the next big hit.
JA: Do you have a favorite cartoon of all time?
ML: Without a doubt its a tie between Looney Tunes, Tiny Toon Adventures, and Animaniacs. I was such a fan of all these shows growing up, and will bet anyone money that I have seen every single episode made of each. It's crazy when you run into people who worked on these shows. I always get giddy, and feel like ten again.
JA: What advice do you think is the most important for those trying to break into the industry?
ML: Love what you do and believe in it.
JA: What is next for you? Do you have any new projects you are working on?

ML: I'm currently working on Nick Jr. shows: Dora the Explorer, Go! Diego Go! and Ni Hao Kai-Lan. All which have been a great experience since Nick Jr. shows are different, post-wise than regular Nick shows like The Mighty B! and The Fairly Oddparents.
JA: Thank you for interviewing! To close this out, what stands out as one of your favorite memories while working at Nickelodeon?
ML: No problem! I would have to say, all the fun times I had in the edit bays with the creators and the directors of all the series I worked on. There's something about that couch in that edit bay that makes them relaxed and talkative and makes my job so much fun because of the bonds that are formed with them in that room.