Jason Anders: What initially inspired you to write a book about Marilyn Monroe, and do you remember what first sparked your interest in her to begin with?
Sarah Churchwell: I read a biography of Marilyn Monroe in a very desultory way, mildly curious about how she really died and expecting that any serious biography would explain the truth, and how the conspiracy theories developed. It didn't, so I thought I must have a bad one and read another bio. It was a completely different story. I kept reading and kept getting different stories and it soon seemed this was a story in itself. I explain this a bit more fully in the book's introduction.
SC: I was pretty lucky, although it was hard. I wrote a PhD thesis that compared the writing about Marilyn with the writing about Sylvia Plath and Janis Joplin. When I went to revise it for publication, I did Marilyn first and it expanded to a book. A friend recommended an editor at Granta; I met with him, told him my ideas about Marilyn and pretty soon he said he wanted to publish it. In between were many years of painful revising and thinking and writing as I worked it all out. But once I met up with Granta it was relatively straightforward.
JA: What are your three favorite films featuring Marilyn Monroe, and why?
SC: My next book is about many personalities, including F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald, among others...
JA: If you had to sum up Marilyn Monroe with just one word, what would it be?
SC: Guts.